Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Need marriage advice - passion dwindling?

I've been with my wife for 6 years, married 3 of those, no kids.

My wife and I love eachother. We are both kind, listen, share common interests and hobbies.

Although my wife likes to cuddle and will do things to show love (making something special for dinner, calling me at work, telling me how much she misses me), it isn't enough. We hadly kiss any more beyond a peck on the cheek, or less frequently a REAL kiss. If I don't initiate it, it doesn't happen. The same thing goes for sex. This didn't happen overnight.

I love and adore my wife. She is my best friend, and I find her irresistable. Yet now I am starting to feel myself turned down. I want passion and excitement. I want my wife to make me feel desirable. I want her to accept and respond positively to kissing and touching, not just when we have sex (0-3x per week). She pulls away if I kiss her for more than a second or two. I've told her how I feel, and she doesn't think I am being ';realistic';. What can I do?Need marriage advice - passion dwindling?
Dont worry, the sex/passion will come back like a season.

Make sure you are making her feel sexy. Do not put any pressure on her, try not to mention it and wait... good luck !Need marriage advice - passion dwindling?
It's just that the newness is gone. Just like when you get a brand new car. It's a thrill each time you get in. But, soon you take it as just a matter of course, and stop feeling the rush. It doesn't mean that you no longer like the car, you just get used to having a nice car. Or, the feeling when the first green starts in the spring. You see and appreciate the new life, and notice each bit of newness. Soon though, you are bitching about cutting grass, and hardly seeing all the greenery. That's inevitable. You folks love each other, and are just becoming used to being in love and are getting comfortable. Relax, and enjoy the next fifty years.
As I can hear my folks and older couples who has been married for more than 25 years. Marriage is not all about the FEELING of love or being loved in return. Well it does, during the getting to know you and courtship stage and the first few years or months of marriage. This feeling of anticipation and romance as time goes by dwindles away- that is the natural course of any relationship. But love is more than that. Its the committment: whether we like it or not. There are certain steps that you can take to create a new sparkle for your wife to be romantic again try doing the activities you have been doing in tha past: like a walk in the park, vacation, bring her roses or flowers, go to church together, pray together, etc. be extra sweet- just like when you were courting her. Generally, females respond positively to kindness and romance.
Stop being greedy. It'll get on your wife's nerves.
have you tried sending her flowers at work? write a love letter when she doesnt expect it? write love notes everywhere while she is gone?

try your best to bring back romance. 2nd honeymoon would also help coz maybe you are both under pressure......goodluck
My husband and I are going through the same thing. We have been together 14 years, married 12, no kids. We have been growing apart for several years. He is not very interested in a sexual relationship. He is not a romantic and has difficulty coming up with those kinds of ideas. Like you and your wife, we are best friends. However, lately I have been questioning whether or not that is enough. Is it selfish of me to want more? My husband has implied that I am not being ';realistic'; either. He says I want my life to be like a movie.

I haven't really provided any answers for you, but at least you know you are not alone in what you are going through.
Life is what you make it. If the passion is dwindling then get the passion back and I don't mean in the bedroom.....yet. It sounds like both of you have settled into a routine and forgotten your passions in general. Go do some things that test you as a couple. You have common interests so find a new common interest. Explore life a little. Travel. Experience new things with her. Get out of the box a little! My husband and I took up caving in our early 30's. Doing something a little more extreme in life really tests your faith and trust in each other. I'm a very strong woman and on one of these trips my husband got to see me more scared than he'd ever seen me. At first he had this shocked look on his face, like he wasn't even sure how to react to see me frightened. He had to take over and talk me through a very slippery climb near a huge drop off. I made it but I wouldn't have without his help. I'd still be standing there frozen!! It taught us both something. It showed me that I can be frightened stiff and he will know exactly what to do. It showed him that even though I'm strong I DO have weakness and he might have to pick up slack if things get rough. The sex (in our tent lol) was amazing that night. It sounds like it's time for you both to learn some deeper things about each other and by doing so, it will bring you closer. Passion like this always translates to the bedroom. You just need to shake things up a little. Go do it! Good luck :)
I know what ur saying...it is happening to me...I have to be the one that takes control... I have stopped doing that to see what would happen...to see if he would dessire me...well ..I am now pretty much sexless...he just isn't intrested it seems at all...I get the odd peck the hug here an there...sex lasts 2 mins if we do make love...I often feel so empty after the fact my head spins...and his nose snores...I look at his eyes..and I dunno I feel like the end is coming...that I'm just not the one anymore..and that it is a matter of time ..and I will wake up and he is gone...he has no passion towards me...this really bothers me..we don't talk..we don't do anything...I wonder if maybe it's all in my mind ...but my tummy says ...He's just not that intrested in me anymore...I dunno I wish I had the magic for you and u had some for me...I feel lost in my soul...it was to a point that I felt maybe I am not attractive anymore...maybe he doesn't like me...maybe the sun just forgot to shine...maybe his love has changed...I feel like I don't fit because he just won't let me fit...so now what ?? I sit an wonder and wait...
Aww. Now I feel bad because I do similarly with my husband. It's not that I don't love him, but.. He just seems to want to have sex to get rid of the urge... And that's far from a turn on for me. You know? I don't have unrealistic expectations, or anything (e.g. expecting all-night love making in a candle lit room with no mess :-p). But it seems like every time he initiates it, it's a quickie and he's asleep. So I just don't want to deal with it.

I guess you have to think, is there anything in it for her when you want to have sex with her? I know men would forego foreplay altogether, but women REALLY respond to it.

Is she tired when you try to initiate? Seriously, my husband comes in either when I'm already asleep, or just on the brim of sleep. I'm sorry, but no. I can do it sometimes, but not EVERY time.

I don't wanna tell you to talk about it with her, because some women are annoyingly insecure and you could end up making her feel worse so there'll be LESS sex, but if she's the type that's open to it, maybe ask what you need to do to make her want to make love to you more..

i uh... THINK that would make me make love to my husband more than 3x/week.
Why not start off slowly and try to seduce her like cook a nice candle lit meal for her, buy her flowers, make her feel like she is the most desireable woman on earth. I am pretty sure she will return the attention ten fold.

Women like to feel special sometimes, not just a sex object. If you make her feel exciting and sexy, she will be exciting and sexy.

Good luck.
join the crowd, women can change overnight, mine did.

What was a very pasionate marriage for over 30 years, is now passionless. We still love each other, but she has no interest in being intimate.

Its a very hurtful thing to do to your soulmate , i feel for you my friend.

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