Seriously, your wanting someone else to tell you what you already know. Here it goes. ';HE'S CHEATING ON YOU';!!!! Kick his butt to the curb with all his possessions. What is it that you don't want to believe, do you think the cell phone company is lying, do you believe that every conversation he has must be in private is he a lawyer? No one has the right to tell you what to put up with and if cheating is one of those things that your willing to deal with then that's your choice, but for pete's sake don't act foolish about what's taking place, you know, don't be played a fool.OK Can someone please help me with advice on marriage?
This seems like an awful lot of drama. You must like it.
The rest of us would get some counseling, and bail.
Restraining orders, private talks.... god, hon. Sounds like a soap.
Honey, you need to send him off his merry way. Why are you even dealing with this guy. He's not even trying to pretend he's not still cheating on you. Why are you doing this to yourself?
This either the beginning of a bad book or movie or you are really not with it. You would stay with this guy why?????
Unfortunately, he has a child with her now, so she will always be in his life and yours too. Hiding the calls is not a good sign though. I would suggest you get out as this guy is no good. Find someone that will treat you right. Good luck.
u r being stupid......this man is a what i can see...u r being used...and secondly u r too fond of u r just beinga little more tahna divinne to forgive this devil in urslf favour...there is no dearth of woman in this leave him...and secondly its easy to dump than to be dumped.....this man is not worth a girl likeu...i don't understand how come girls so educated like u choose such big time r educated....u seem doing quite well...don't be afraid of loneliness...make up a strong....marriage and men are not the end of life...they are means of dear just buck up...cheer urself......and leave him....
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