If there are any police reports and or a conviction for the domestic violence, you can contact Victim Witness inside of the DA's office and they will pay up to $30,000 for any legal fee's and counseling you may need to heal.
And that should pay for a REALLY good attoney that can guarantee some serious spousal support.I left an abusive marriage and i am having financial. Any Advice?
Spousal support file the papers and have the papers suponea to him
I would advise you to go to your local FAMILY COURT. There is one in every county. Tell them your situation. They are super folks, %26amp; they w/advise you as to just what to do in your case. It won't cost you anything, %26amp; a judge makes the decisions if there are any to be made at this point in time. But this is where I'd advise you to start out. Best of everything to you %26amp; they'll look after your best interest...:)
He probably thinks you are going to try to take him for everything he has. Sit down together and figure out an agreement and then divorce pro se. He can afford a lawyer - you cannot. So come to some agreement that you both believe is fair and do it on your own. Being that he is abusive means that he is probably controlling as well so make sure that your needs are covered - maybe not fair to you or 50/50 - but you go away with what you need and nothing more. Make it so that he doesnt feel threatened or robbed - and he may agree to it. Otherwise it is going to cost you major money in the long run if you fight it for more. Make a clean break and consider it a lesson learned and move on with what you have - no sense fighting a losing battle - which many divorces are - and costly.
And again a 44MAGNUM would do nicely. Just kidding do what moonmama said.
spousal supposrt
go to your local court house file a motion for divorce and a motion for alimony
You should contact your local neighborhood legal services program and get some direction in filing for divorce. He doesn't want to pay you what you have coming to you. You need to do this. And you need to at least find out the cost, if there is any, so that if you don't have it, you can save for it...or there is a possibility that he will have to pay for it all and you may not have to pay up front for it.
Most importantly....I'm SO glad you are out of that relationship and things will get better!
There is such a thing as probono lawyers for divorce. One of the criteria involves domestic abuse. See the link below to locate the state that you live in. In the mean time look around your city for a shelter for abused women. Good luck.
He can't stop a divorce if you want one. Go to the courthouse and file. You can use the abuse as the reason for the divorce. Some lawyers have payment plans, or maybe you could use a court appointed lawyer. Go to the court to find out more information. They will help you. Hope this helps....
Where there's a will there's a way. Shop around, I bet you can find one that will finance it. And when it is paid in full, then you go to court. I'd take your ex to the cleaner's too.
You can get an attorney and make him pay all the legal fees. Call an attorney, the first consultation is free.
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