Sunday, December 27, 2009

What is the best dating advice you can give to a woman over 40 who wants marriage and children?

1. Never act desperate - Speaking from a guys point of view: Guys freak out when they sense urgency in a woman. Hide your ';Biological Clock is Ticking Syndrome';!

2. If you have a boyfriend, and he doesn't want to get married to you. Simple. You need to leave the boyfriend to seek greener pastures. Logic.

3. If you don't have a boyfriend. Get one. How? If you don't already know, there are a thousand guys out there who would absolutely die to be with you. That's the good news! The bad news...none of them may live in your city, state, or possibly even your country. It's all a big crap-shoot really.

4. Be confident and take chances. Don't sit at your house with your dog and just dream. Don't continually run around with the same circle of friends. Break the mold. Chances are, by doing something different in your life--you may tigger something positive like a relationship. Do some traveling. Join some social groups.

5. If marriage and/or having children is not possible--try and settle for a ball of yarn and some knitting needles (just joking). Have you thought about adoption?

Anyways, Good Luck!What is the best dating advice you can give to a woman over 40 who wants marriage and children?
If you think you've found the right guy for marriage,then go for it. As far as children,giving birth at 40+ may be difficult (especially if it's the first pregnancy). A Gynecologist can answer that for you. (Good Luck!)What is the best dating advice you can give to a woman over 40 who wants marriage and children?
Be very clear with the men you are wanting to date that you still want children. Most men would assume that a woman over 40 is probably done having kids.
be yourself and show them what are u made of, be more like open minded and yes not be so picky, have fun and maybe istiemt o hurry up if u want children but you can always adopt
Stop being so picky
obviously something is wrong if u are over 40 and single seriously u need to sit down with some of your close friends and ask them things that u do that would piss them off or turn off guys seriously cuz it aint all about looks us men love a nice women with good convo
find a man who wants the same,im 26 and want the same thing and cant find that person,even though im in a relationship now
take care of herself and be wiser.
take it slow if you are being that needy you will not find anyone and you will be asking this question at 50. Go have some fun and if it happens then it happens.
Find someone who wants the same thing you do. Believe it or not, there ARE men out there who do. Popular media and jerks might give you good reason to think otherwise, but they're out there.

To find them, go to places you would go to. I don't mean bars and clubs. Museums, restaurants, or other places that are more to your tastes are much better, because it is a better reflection of the people who go there.

Don't lose hope.
Be a good listener and witty. Talk about common interest in music, arts and sports. Don鈥檛 forget to kiss him goodnight. Make sure he asks for a second date.
what happened?


stay hopefull, coz hope never dies.

believe in you.
It depends on how much over 40 it may be too late unless you have prospective men in mind.

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