Sunday, December 27, 2009

Marriage help! advice please?

marriage advice please. me and my wife get along pretty good we tell each other we love each other most everyday even after 10yrs. But she seems to have this hobbit of giving deception lies on the littlest things. like who she seen up town just passing her side walking.for instance if someone seen her up town walking and just asked how was I doing or is is he mad at me or something.

now she gets home but 2 hours later she will blurt out that she seen this person up town (whom we know very well).when she was walk to the store. I then ask her what did he say. she replies by saying he dident say anything to me. I said well that dont make sense he

walks up to you by your side and dont say a word its not like him.or even consistant that someone would not say anything. she replies saying well he dident say nothing. I said to her come on that dont sound right he was quiet. she then pause for 5 seconds looks up to

the left. I said why you pausing are you thinking a answer. she just gives a short studer (at other times not just a short giggle and smerk then a answer) and says well he just asked was you mad at him for something. and I said I dont know. I then told her then why would you lie to me in the first place you dident say you dident remober you said he said nothing to you at all. you said it tiwce to me. she replies and say I dont know. my wife does this really allot on things. thats just once case in time recently.keep in mind Im always direct and honest with her and she knows that all to why does she do this

to me.

it certinly show in my mind she has no respect for me by doing

this.But why else doe she do this. and what kind of message is this puting out if any.Marriage help! advice please?
don't be mad.she just like to tease.don't let it bother you because your wife maybe doing it to see your reaction and makes her giggle and it endears you to her.Marriage help! advice please?
I think you should tell her that she can tell you everything, that she doesn't have to lie to you.

and when she confesses anything wrong you ask why and when you don't like the answer you divorce her... I guess that's what I would do...

you don't have kids do you?
She's just trying to draw your attention, that's it. You may have some communication problems, and neither of you is aware of that. You both think you ';communicate';, but you just ';talk';, and the substance of the message is lost.
The message is that she wants more attention :/
I'm not saying this is the answer, but maybe a little counseling would help.
why do you ask her what did he say?
I don't get your question. WTF?
Who knows why she lies to you. It could be that she is embarrassed about talking to people without you there. Maybe she is worried you will get mad at her for some reason. Maybe she is trying to hide something. It is impossible to tell what is going on.

Have you asked her why she does this? Show her what you have written and ask her for an answer. Tell her that it is having a bad effect on you marriage and you really need to know the truth even if she thinks you won't like it. If she tells you and you don't like it, keep the lines of communication open. TRy to work through it.

Failing that all I can suggest is some kind of marriage counseling. I think you are right to take her behaviour seriously. Good luck

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