I can't really give you advice, but I can tell you that you are not alone in your problem! When my hubby and I met I was a pagan, and I converted to Christianity for him (he said he couldn't marry someone ho was so far from his faith). Over time I really FOUND G-d and believe that we, as his creation are meant to be His companions! My husband knows this in his heart, but is having a hard time in the roll of the spiritual leader in our house. This is a problem for me because it makes me not respect him! I know the man he can be, and is very removed from the man he is! In all other ways he is a delightful husband, but this is the place I need him to be strong the most! All I can do is keep praying and know that one day G-d will break through his walls and he will rise up to be the leader I need if I am a woman of G-d!
There is a couple of books BOTH y'all need to read
';Wild at Heart';
';The Way of the Wild Heart';Christians: I need marriage advice!?
i don't think this should affect your marriage, you can still go to church and have your beliefs and he can be open to spirituality, Im sure you didn't marry him only for the fact that he was christian, You married him for the person he is not his religious beliefs. It makes me very sad to think that religion drive a couple apart like this.
I felt like you do, when it came to my (ex)wife. She grew up in a Protestant family but, she never took religion seriously. My parents never have been terribly religious so, my connection to religion is stronger than, theirs.
Prayer, daily devotions and, faith are what you should focus on.
You are just going to have to live by example until he is ready to commit himself to God again. Be careful not to push him away. Step back and stay out of his relationship with God and God will deal with him.
Doesn't marriage suck enough without your wife being a religious nut?
i only hope he finds his way.. but the church has let him down..he needs a good spiritual.person to talk to now .. i dont think you can do any better than a church leader.. just ask ..
Don't force on him what he dose not want.Remember love, tolerance %26amp; fogginess that is the christan thing.
Hm, I can understand both sides because I too was in a relationship where we had similar beliefs at the start --but then grew apart. However, it was my ex-fiance (we didn't break up because of religious reasons) that was 'more Christian' than I.
I think that we each have our own customized walks with God, and that they are a personal thing. I have been one who has questioned my faith time and time again, wavering on the edge of committing and not committing. We worked out well together despite our beliefs because we were open to communicating about them in a non-judgmental way. If I said something that did not agree with him, we would discuss instead of argue. After all, no religion is a fact hence why we have faith. I think that people are going to grow up, and change with time no matter who you are with. This includes beliefs. I would not pressure him into praying but would express that it means a lot if he would read the Bible with you. Even non-Christians can take vital lessons from the Bible that are essential to everyday life. Tell him that you realize that his relationship with a higher power is personal.
Unfortunately, I don't think he is going to come back to fully a Christianity based belief system at least anytime soon. Generally once thoughts questioning of God starts, it is hard to surpress. This is a tough situation to say the least. I think that it is possible to have a great relationship even if you do not have the same belief system, so long as you respect each others equally.
His belief is just as suitable as yours, so don't criticize his new path. Instead learn from each other by sharing interesting scripture, thoughts, etc. about God or whatever he chooses to believe in.
If you constantly force this on your husband your going to regret it. You can lead a horse to water, but you cant make him drink. As long as you center yourself with God, and you pray for your husband then God will bless your marriage. You should remember, you don't have to go to church every time its open to be with God. As long as your husband still believes in him, there shouldn't be a problem. He probably feels forced. Ease up a little, and he will grow back into everything.
first of all, its great to see a christian taking their faith so seriously, there is great rewards for people like yourself. i hope one day i can reaach that level of comitment to God. i too dont believe in divorce. it shuold always be a last resort. im taking a course in cultural studies; the religious experience, and we are briefly talking about christianity, jews and muslims. what distinguishes us from the jews is that we dont beieve in collective punishment. God wont punish you for your husbands sin, he will reward you for your attempt to do what Christ came here to do; to preach. we are what we call a missionary religion, make it your mission to apply God's perspective in your daily life, you can not force anyone to believe. it is up to your husband to find his faith in God again. alot of people drift away every now and then. but if u say that he was once a man of great faith, then he will eventually see how the path away from God is a difficult one. let him make his own decisions. you are doing what God intends us to do to those who eventually become weak, you are setting a great example. let things go, its not your responsability. God bless
it's not up to you to lead your husband, just you continue to do the right thing, do not nag him or make him feel less of a Christian, you read the bible alone, you can say honey want to read it? if not say ok and go read it alone, with no attittude. Continue to be respectful and loving, it's not up to you to keep a God centered marraige God will do it, rely on His strength every day not your own. I speak from experience, my husband choses to work over seas 4 years now, it is very difficult. I stay commited in church w/our son. Baptist. Yeah seems like all the other husbands are there.
Lately we're really being attacked by satan, Christian marriages are under attack these days, but just put one foot in front of the other and remain commited. It's a narrow walk but you are not alone, Jesus is with you.
I second the woman above me who made a comment about its good to see someone taking Christianity seriously. As a Christian woman myself about to me married soon I don't know what I would do if I found myself in your shoes.
I would pray about it a lot, which you probably already have. God works in mysterious ways. Keep yourself as grounded as you are no matter what. Think of this as a time when your husband needs to see your strength. If you falter and start compromising what you believe, well its just a hop skip and a week until the center of your marriage falls apart. Stay strong in God for him and for you, and let God take care of the rest. Remind yourself of Ephesians- 'Put on the armour of God...';
To the other above poster- I think Christians marry other Christians at least in part for their beliefs, as I know I could not marry someone who wasn't one, despite how great of person they might be.
I'll pray for you!
Anyone can go through a spiritual dry spell. I know you are both Protestant but try learning about the lives of Catholic Saints. The Saints went through dry spells that could last for years. The time is referred to as the ';dark night of the soul.'; A person can feel that God has abandoned them. When the difficult time passes the person is closer to God.
I converted to the Catholic Church in 2004 after watching EWTN. I have been through spiritual dry periods. Sometimes it seems like praying is no use. I know that I still need to pray even though it's hard. Have patience with your husband and pray for him.
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