I am married for 12 years now and living with my wife and 3 children and i am living in Dubai. Me and my wife have varied interests and points of view which sometimes lead into a conversation and then into an argument. Therefore our relationship even though is good enough to survive has been hurt badly. But we continue to focus our energies on our responsibilities that is our 3 children.
This conflict and i dont know what to say but this uneasyness has resulted in no SEX for allmost 3 months. Even if we have SEX the next will come after another 6 months. This resulted in myself searching prono webs and reading material and stuff to satisfy but i feel it is not good and it needs to stop. I dont know what to do. Please advice.Marriage Issue - A Typical Problem - Can Anyone advice on this?
Its good that you know its not good and has to stop. Let ur wife know abt whats going in your head, she might have not realised what you have realised already.Marriage Issue - A Typical Problem - Can Anyone advice on this?
Maybe she just feels like a mum, not a sex godess that she used to be, let her know you find her attractive, don't make the affection just for the bedroom, walk by tap her bum, stroke her bck, little things really do make the difference. P.S. hello from Abu Dhabi
Its sounds tough for you, its hard working full days , raising kids and trying to have a healthy sex life, we try our best to have sex at least once a week as both of us work our buts off for our kids, if i had you problem i would tell her about the porn and show her the mags so that she can also see that a man ha needs not every 6 months. I will honestly say that i am not always in the mood and i will tell my hubby and he will understand so will i if he is not in the mood but jeez 6 months are to long Sit down with her and calmly explain your feelings with her maybe she feels the same. you will never know. Good luck and hope you get some tonigh
I understand having kids seemed to slow down our sex life. My husband and I even had the sex talk. He works hard all day in the heat and dealing with people who either change there minds on what they wanted done or customer not wanting to pay. I stay home with our 2 babies both of them are under 2. I believe the work I do at home is just as exhausting as his day. I am bussy all day attend to the babies and doing my house chores. I have no adault conversation during the day and when my husband would come home he'd want to go watch Tv or go work outside on our un done yard, while I still attend to the babies and cook dinner and feed them. By this time he is ready for dinner and then upstairs to relax and fall asleep. I was getting angree because he'd only stay a wake if he wanted a little action that night. so our talk was he'd come home he'd help me with the kids while I get dinner cooked (some nights he prefers to cook) (2 nights a week we do something easy for dinner) then after he gets one ready for bed and I do the other. we all go upstairs watch T.V. for about 20 minutes then off to be they go. This has worked for us, We are communicating like we were before we had the babies and he is showing me the help I asked from him. I am finding him more attractive and now asking him if he wants to get a little freaky after the kids are down for the night. Maybe you can try something like this have your sex talk like we did (just don't show her any anger) and ask her how you can help her relax a little when you get home from work. Good Luck
treating each other kindly, going out of your way to please each other without expectation promotes good emotional feelings and should lead to more intimate moments.
maybe sit down and have a talk with your wife.. see if there is something else thats bothering you and her.. that you can work on. maybe go out on some dates, make a date night with her and spend alone time together.. bring the spark back! good luck
I don't know what the argument was about.But if it was about porno or reading material . As a married women i would be extremely upset also. First off you degrade your wife and marriage with that. You make her feel like she's not women enough to turn you on. Second i wouldn't want that in my house for my kids to find. My kids found my brother in laws once. It not only upset him and my sister but me and my kids.
Then you have the stuff to satisfy ---satisfy who? you? God didn't intend for you to do any of that. It sounds like your selfish to me. If you been married that long tell her what you need in the bedroom. But porno is not real live. Self gratification is not the answer either it can be come addictive as well as the porno. Which will eventually lead to this right now.
I would get rid of all of that stuff, ask your wife to forgive you. Then take her out to dinner and hotel room. Tell her what you would like in the bedroom and see what she would like from you.
If the argument wasn't over porno then you two need to discuss not discussing those issues. Because arguments for us women work us up in to hatred. Then you men want to have sex and we can't calm down enough to enjoy what God intended.
ok not everyone has the same libido but sex is natural and it is natural to enjoy it. but because we as homo sapiens can be so complex sometimes it is harder for other to get in touch with this natural urge. or some may be in touch but are not inspired to follow it often. i think if you and your wife already have children this means that your wife is capable of being in touch with her natural inclinations. however she may not be inspired to follow them because you may not be satisfying her. this seems like you approach sex as something that just happens. while it is based on human instinct you should also take care to try and see what satisfies her. do you touch her too hard? too gently? do you make sure she is satisfied also? do you ever take the time to let her be satisfied without you being so? it seems as if your wife does not enjoy sex which is not good. you should look at porno as visual lessons and try to find new ways to make her WANT to have sex and not simply fulfill her duty as a wife.
Well, Bro after reading you question its seems you guys are doing compromise just for your children which will not last forever and also note one more important thing SEX is not every thing but having sex with loved one always give more satisfaction and strong bond to your relationship.
I advice you guys should sit together, divorce is not a solution for this. Eventually all of your family members will suffer your children, your wife and you yourself. Further more when you guys starts argument one have to keep his/her mouth shut so that the discussion don鈥檛 turns in to any big argument.
I believe you already know this but there are many things which we know but it鈥檚 really hard to implement.
Best of luck!
your wife is upset and using no sex as a punishment.
first you need to stop the arguments. you know what buttons to push to tick her off and vise versa. when those topics come up avoid them like the plague!!!
if you still can't stop fighting get some professional help because it sounds like you have gotten into a rut and are having a hard time getting out...
good luck
never give up
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