What kind of advice? Marriage is for keeps and affairs are no-nos.I need advice on affairs and marriage?
dont do it damnit.
ok you did not give a lot of info.. well it is bad to have affairs..and that could risk messing up your marriage
Do not have affairs when you are married o.k.
It breaks down trust and affects many others besides the sneaky cheaters!
But read the poem:
';Now That鈥檚 Love';
I know what love is like:
Truly loving someone is giving them the freedom to love you or not
Truly loving yourself is choosing to be someone who uses that freedom to love you
Yea, now that鈥檚 love
June 19, 2006 by Arene
Don't do one if you want the other.
ok here are some websites
I wish you the best in finding the help and advice that you are looking for.
If you are seriously thinking about an affair, you better think twice on this, because You have to ask yourself . . .WHY you are considering this in the first place!! If your marriage is in trouble and that is the reason you are thinking about cheating than you are far better off to file for a divorce. What would you do if this other person fell for you??? The guilt (because you cheated), after a while would eat away at you and it is NOT worth the guilt.
Helps if you elaborate, otherwise, don't do an affair and only marry someone if you're sure.
You do not provide many details about your question, so allow me to answer in generalities. Marriage is the best way for a man and a woman who truly love each other to create a life together. Primarily because in marriage each one is making a commitment to be there for the other one no matter what. Couples who just shack up and live together are missing this commitment and most are constantly worrying about if the other one will be there. With marriage, the commitment has been given. Unfortunately, too many people put little thought behind the word commitment and are willing to forget their commitment at the drop of a hat. And that is what an affair is. It is when one of the couple is willing to put momentary personal pleasure ahead of their commitment. It is when one person says through their actions that their word is meaningless and their definition of love is what I want at the moment. The best definition of love I have ever heard is doing what is best for the other person first.
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