my husband's and i anniversery came up on oct.3 this year and it was our 1 year anniversery....well we didn't have the money to go out and also he didn't wish happy anniversery to that bummed me out..i just found out that my in-laws had gave my husband money take me out for our anniversery...and he didn't tell me that...i need some advice?I have an interesting marriage question i need advice about..?
Men have alot of pride...excessive pride. When they can't provide and take care of home and comfortably play the role of breadwinner it makes them feel worthless. Maybe he spent the money on things that you guys needed and he feels just awful about it, and was afraid to wish you Happy Anniversary b/c he wasn't going to be able to celebrate it. Sit down and talk to him to find out what he did w/ the money exactly. I have an interesting marriage question i need advice about..?
Hmm. Forgetting the anniversary isn't a big thing for men - we rarely mean any offense with that.
However, if his parents specifically gave him money for that, he has much less excuse... practically, they reminded him.
The only possible excuse was if the money was really needed to pay the bills.
So, find out what was the money spent on, then decide based on that.
Edit: Even if the money was spent on bills... since it was given to him with a specific purpose, to take you out, he should have at least asked you if you're OK with the money being spend on bills.
I can understand why he would be embarrassed to tell you that his parents gave him some money - a guy wants to know that he can provide for his wife... however, I do not think there is an excuse for forgetting your first anniversary.
My advice to you is to sit down and communicate to him how you feel. If you love him, then you know that he shouldn't feel pressure to spend money he doesn't have - there are plenty of special things you both can do together that are both intimate and easy on the wallet.
Good luck! :)
man he sounds like my ex husband. my ex inlaws sent us round 400 for a nice night out. He took me and the kids to walmart to get a movie and munchies dropped us off at home and went out with the boys. Didnt find out bout the money till later. just one of the many reasons he's now an EX husband. you need to sit him down and let him know that you know what he did and he had better make it up to you in a very good way. He needs to know that the sneakiness that he pulled is very unhealthy for any relationship. Getting into a fight over it is pointless, just simply state how you feel, that it hurt, and that it should never happen again. I would ask him what he did with the money, and how he's planning on making it up to you. Something of your choice would be best.
Did you wish him a happy anniversary? He might be just as bummed out as you? Talk to him, tell him how you felt when he forgot to even wish you a happy anniversary.... be open, and not attacking.
Don't worry about the money thing... if you don't have a lot of money, he likely just covered sme bills.
forgetting your anniversay is excusable but not telling you about the money is another matter.well, guys have acquired amnesia as years of married life go by.that is one viable ';excuse';. but how can you rationalize the money issue (which is by the way a 100% reason for him not to forget your anniversary)?.....he really has amnesia?
Would you be angry if you found out he spent it on bills and food and was too embarrassed to tell you about it?
You may want to cut the poor guy some slack before you make a big deal over NOTHING --
Ask him what he did with the money, but it sounds like you have other issues that need to be addressed
you are waaaay too forgiving
wow ! do you have '; door mat'; written on your head?
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