Please can you help with advise.
Would this marriage be valid islamically in the eyes of Allah?
A marriage at the masjid between two muslims, one male and one female with the imam conducting the ceremony.
Both parties entering the marriage volentarily although the male muslim is still married to his first non muslim wife, who he has been seperated from for a period of one year, but is not yet divorced from.
The first wife has not lived with her husband for one year but is unaware of the second marriage.
The husband intends to divorce the first wife after the second marriage ceremony.
The imam would be representing the second wife acting as her wali, as a muslim revert without a muslim father to represent her.
Nikah is present and many witnesses and guests to attend.
Is the marriage valid islamically without permission from the first wife?
Many conflicting answers given.Islamic Marriage Advice.?
Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim
Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah
As far as the marriage goes, it would be considered valid. A man does not require the permission of his wife or wives before taking another wife. What is required is the consent of the man and woman, a wali to look after her interests, two adult male Muslim witnesses, a mahr, or bride gift, and announcing the marriage.
Now, as to this specific marriage, I would strongly STRONGLY advise you to NOT marry this man until he has completed the divorce from the first wife. If she were to find out about your marriage before the divorce was final, she could use that against him so that he would never see his kids again. Also, I distrust ANY lyging or deceitful actions, even if this man has a bad relationship with his wife. Let him close this chapter before opening another. If Allah wills for you to be married to him, then waiting will not matter. But I believe you are opening yourself up to being in a bad position. If he is deceitful with is first wife, what is to keep him from secretly marrying another after he marries you? Do not let any taint of secrecy or deceit come into this relationship. Let him finish his business legally so he can get on with his life without both of you looking over your shoulders. She WILL find out, probably. Some gossip-monger will likely go straight to her and tell her.
Fear Allah and don't marry this brother, at least not yet. There is too much going on, too much potential for a disastrous soap opera, and it's NOT worth it. Trust me on this. If you want to contact me off Y!A, please e-mail at
Fi Aman Allah,
Nancy Umm Abdel HamidIslamic Marriage Advice.?
depends on the country you are in... As a muslim you still have to abide by the laws of the country you are a guest in..
If in USA or UK.. you will legally still be married to the first wife and committing bigomy if you marry a 2nd without first divorcing the original wife.. She can sue you in court.. ... Although islamically you can marry a 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc... You are still bound by the laws of your country if it doesnt reconize polygamous marriages..
You would need to first divorce the original one by the courts of the country you are in.. Not just saying 'I divorce, 3 times as in islam..
Just do things legally and all will be fine...
There is no evidence stating that a man needs permission from his wife to take a second, third, or fourth wife. Someone needs to bring forth evidence prohibiting it not evidence to allow it. We already have evidence that polygany is permitted in Islam, so what evidence do we have that it is prohibited if the wife does not agree.
Note, this is not to say that one should do it without consulting the first one, talking to her, etc. Do not mix and match. Rather, my answer is strictly about SEEKING permission to get a second wife for which there is no evidence in Islam.
Yes there is no evidence..but personally i think the man should tell the first wife and if she approves great..but if she says are entitled to listen to her,,and either give her a divorce or dont marry the second woman...but before a divorce try and talk to her...
I would have to question the conviction of this man to be married to (only) you if he isn't willing to properly divorce his first wife before marrying you. Something is amiss in this situation, use caution. Allah knows best!
Well i dont think a man needs permission to do that, but the divorcing is the problem, I heard that getting a divorce is not aloud in Islam, so that might be a problem but you might want to search that just incase.
Question. His first wife is not Muslim. How can his first marriage be valid if she is not a Muslim?
In Islam you have to marry believing Muslims. Am I correct?
If so he doe's not have to tell his first wife/girlfriend
If what you said is all correct then marriage is valid.
In Islam if the male has told the female that they are seperating or the female hasnt seen the male for about a year then their marriage is broken becuase he has not contacted her at all, while she deserves to know where or what he is doing.
Your marriage is allowed however it is BEST for the husband to divorce his wife BEFORE u marry him, because it could cause problems financially for u and her. By marrying u he will ruin ur life if the other wife DOESNT give him a divorce and u MAY feel awkward...
The coming into mosque is allowed...And No, u must have permission of 1st wife, if u dont then it is NOT allowed... It has been stated in the school of hanafiya. and many islamic schools of thought.
Ibrahim pbuh took the permission of his 1st wife to marry another. Muhammad took permission of his wives, even though allah told him to marry woman such as Aisha.
In law the ';eyes of Allah'; mean nothing. THis is a bigamous marriage in almost every country and is not legally valid. Either party can walk away from this relationship without penalty and it is thus adulterous. Marriage can only be dissolved through a court, legally a County Court and religiously by the religious court but no ruling is legally binding until the legal side is worked out. If you want to marry this man you must seriously ask yourself what drove the first wife to be so vengeful, many people end their marriages amicably, be very careful that you are not jumping into a similar unhappy union that the first wife found herself in and under no circumstances enter into a marriage that is not lawful and legally recognised in the country you live in. There isa saying in the UK ';marry in haste, repent at leisure'; please bear this in mind and be patient. He will still be there when he is really free to be with you - if that is what he wants.
6 years for a girl
Mohammad did it so its ok for muslim men to do as he did
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